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1 652821 $657,000.00 SFH Don't miss this rare opport Price Reduced 119 Peliso Ave,Orange Donna Waugh-Robinson
2 651707 $2,900,000.00 COMM VAOR2006290 Investment opportunity in t 385 Waugh Blvd,Orange Donna Waugh-Robinson
3 666366 $1,650,000.00 FARM VACU2008642 Fields of Plenty farm SOLD 10168 Fields of Plenty Rd,Rapidan Donna Waugh-Robinson
4 666367 $379,000.00 SFH VAOR2007890 3 bedroom, 3 bathroom home Price Reduced 341 Piedmont St,Orange Jack Samuels
5 655469 $349,000.00 SFH VAMA2001816 3 BR, 2 full BA Under Contract 764 Leon Rd,Culpeper Donna Waugh-Robinson
6 664048 $1,500,000.00 SFH VAGR2000440 Property is being sold in A 14540 Spotswood Trail,Ruckersville Ryan Gibson
7 665857 $529,900.00 SFH 9.50 acres, 1st time on the Under Contract 23077 Constitution Hwy,Unionville Donna Waugh-Robinson
8 658795 $88,500.00 LOT VAGR2000448 5.81 acres waiting for you Lot 1d Wilhoits Mill Rd,Barboursville Donna Waugh-Robinson
9 105841 $1,368,000.00 LOT VAOR2003182 BARBOUR VILLAGE, 170.99 ACR 0 Whipporwill and 0 Chick,Barboursville Ryan Gibson