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1 656972 $695,000.00 SFH VALA2007016 Stately Home on Acreage--$6 872 Tisdale Rd,Lousia Angel Hough
2 652035 $199,000.00 LOT VALA2006588 13 wooded acres near Hanove Jones Farm Rd,Montpelier Angel Hough
3 652034 $110,000.00 LOT VALA2006634 Great Water Access Lot--$11 Anna Coves Ct,Mineral Angel Hough
4 661395 $92,500.00 LOT VASP2019856 Non Subdivision-5 acres-$92 10910 Edenton Rd,Partlow Angel Hough
5 652040 $214,900.00 SFH VABH2000120 Great Investment Property-- 59 Goldmine Church Rd,Dilwyn Angel Hough